When used against Tekton, it will reduce 5% of his Defence level if it fails to hit. Discussions, strategies, stories, crude cave-drawings, and more for Medieval 2, Empire, Shogun 2, Rome 2, Attila, Thrones of Britannia, Warhammer, Three Kingdoms and others. I think it's kholek followed by like louen but I may have dated info. I would give it to the Emperor Dragons, since they are the strongest kind of dragon and the only ones who come close to the father of all dragons. We look forward to unleashing hell from behind our own army of High Elves when the game lands like a fire-breathing beastie this Fall.Moon is older, a little slower but more experienced with stronger breathe. Last year’s Total War: Warhammer was one of 2016’s best strategy titles, and the sequel’s looking like a worthy follow-up. The footage also gives a closer look at the series’ polished production values, and unique blend of turn-based strategy and real-time tactics.

The developer-steered video is a work-in-progress, but still offers a satisfying glimpse of the game’s High Elf units in all their enemy-eviscerating glory. And lets not forget the heavily-armored Phoenix Guard, a blade-wielding bad-ass who cleaves through the biggest threats like warm butter. The former’s capable of smartly balancing fire and freeze powers to turn enemies to ash and ice, while the latter is a top-tier, dragon armor-clad cavalry unit that’s immune to fire.

Among the new units showcasing their ability to turn the tides of battle are the Flamespyre Phoenix–and its Frostheart variant–as well as the Dragon Princes of Caledor. Featuring nearly 12 minutes of in-game footage, the video shows the defensive race bringing the pain to an army of aggressive Lizardmen attackers.įollowing a masterful mix of archery skills and brutal melee maneuvers, the ancient highborn army counterattacks with winged elemental beasts that’d make Game of Thrones‘ “Mother of Dragons” proud.

Total War: Warhammer II doesn’t hit until September 28th, but fans of the fantasy-fueled, strategy-focused sequel can get a taste of the game’s new High Elf units via an in-depth video released by developer Creative Assembly.